February 12th,2017


These doughnuts are fried, not baked, and made with yeast. Cake donuts may be everywhere these days, but they will never compare to a fluffy, doughy, yeasty fried doughnut. The kind of doughnut that has just a little crisp to its edges. The kind of doughnut that melts in your mouth. Light, airy, and totally, deliciously bad for you.

They are, however, good for your soul.

Make sure to use a kitchen scale for best results. They can be found fairly cheaply at a variety of sources. If you are familiar with making yeast-raised dough, feel free to estimate. I make this in a stand mixer, but you can absolutely make it without one. It will just take a bit longer and require a little more work.

I’m making doughnut holes, but you can make any shape you like. I prefer making the holes because it’s quick and easy, and I don’t have to bother with a rolling pin and cookie cutters! Plus the holes are so easy to flip when they’re frying – some of them actually flip themselves.


January 3rd,2017

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Naan Pizza Dough

Indian food is my favourite food. I absolutely love it. When I was in grades six and seven, I attended a school with a very large population of Middle Eastern students, and along with the customary pizza days, we also had samosa days. That was my very first introduction to foods from that part of the world, and I loved it. I don’t know why I never pursued it further until almost ten years later when I was working at a pizza place in the same plaza as an Indian restaurant. I used to go there to get samosas when I was hungry, since I was sick of the cheap pizzas we made. They had awesome beef samosas. I ended up branching out and trying a few actual meals, including butter chicken and, my favourite, vindaloo, and actually worked there briefly as a bartender a year later. Ever since then, I have been a fiend for Indian cuisine.

My fiancĂ© loves butter chicken. It’s one of his favourite foods. I decided to be the Best FiancĂ©e Ever and combine butter chicken with one of his other favourite foods, pizza. I have a regular pizza dough recipe, but it wasn’t quite right. It’s wasn’t “authentic” enough. So I decided to use naan as the crust. I wanted the texture to be more like a regular pizza crust, but I wanted it to taste like naan. I looked at a few naan recipes, noted the typical ingredients, and began experimenting. I would say that this was a total success. It was crispy and fluffy and had that distinct naan taste. With butter chicken sauce instead of tomato sauce, and cooked chicken breast on top, it was amazingly delicious. So good. I made two 14″ pizzas, expecting to have leftovers, but they were both gone in minutes. It was just me, the boy, and two of my friends.