January 3rd,2017

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Dijon Mushroom Chicken

I am quite a big fan of Skinnytaste. Many of those recipes have found their way into my tummy. It was from there where I first found a recipe for chicken with dijon mustard. Until recently, I hated mustard with a passion. It was ketchup’s foul tasting enemy. Within the past couple of years, I have noticed my opinion change. This recipe likely bears many similarities with the one I had originally found on Skinnytaste. I have not made her recipe in quite a while, but I’m sure I have the basics of it stuck in my head, and they likely bled into this recipe.

This is the second time I’ve made this sauce. The first time, the fiancé about died from how much he loved it. I was quite pleased, and proceeded to write down the ingredients I had used so I could make it again. This time around, I made it just for myself, with plenty leftovers, and added some mayonnaise and mushrooms. I have to say, this is waaay better with the mushrooms. It was so good. With some roasted asparagus and salad, it was a pretty damn awesome meal. There are enough leftovers to last me today and probably tomorrow as well. I’m pretty excited about that. I’ve already had leftovers once!


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Vovo's Chicken

Growing up, my siblings and I spent a lot of time at our grandparents’ homes, and I’m not going to lie, I was not happy about that as a kid. Partially. My dad’s parents’ house was fine, because my cousins used to leave their N64 there all the time, and I didn’t have one and damn did I love that thing. But my mom’s? I love them, really, but there was nothing to play with at that house but old toys from my other cousin. They didn’t even have cable TV, and this was the 90s and early 00s. I spent a lot of time reading there (and watching Maury, but they can never know that), with which I suppose I was fine since I absolutely loved to read then (I still like to read but not as much for some reason). The real redeeming thing about going there (besides quality time with my grandparents, but I didn’t understand that as a little kid!) was my avó’s chicken and rice. All of us, my siblings and my cousins, love that chicken. We also happen to love her pizza, but that’s another story.